Monday, December 2, 2013

Hope for Things Unseen: Hope Will Lead Us On

Hope for Things Unseen: Hope Will Lead Us On: Hebrews 11:1 The hope for things unseen. This is what gets me through each day. I do not know what the future holds. I will NEVER know...

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Blessings of a Higher Power..


In my family we have a Christmas Tradition. We always watch White Christmas. I love the songs in and Rachael and I often break out in the 'Sisters, Sisters' song randomly in a store and of course embarrass mom. There is a song that the main character (played by Bing Crosby) sings that was sort of an inspiration for this post.

"When your worried and you can't sleep just count your blessing instead of sheep. and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings.."  

The first word of this post. It is explained now. LIFE.

That is the blessing! He breathed life into us. He knew us before our parents knew of us. Life is a blessing. Everyday is a blessing. What do we do with the life that he gives us?? Are we living this life to the fullest? What are we doing with His Gift?

I had an epiphany the other day. I was looking into my past. I was suicidal at one point thinking that there was nothing to live for. I thought there was no one who would ever want me and I was doomed for loneliness. The thought of being alone with myself forever not only scared me but led me to think that a life like that was not worth living. The truth is no one is ever alone. God is always with us no matter what. So the other day I was beginning to feel lonely and the devil used it as an open door. But I was ready with an angel by my side, my soldier helping me fight the battle. I was not going to let Satan make me feel depressed and sorry for myself. So I decided to count my blessings that God has given me and the ones He has used that promise me future a future of happiness. He has giving me a second chance and what am I doing with it? I thought I would share a few of the blessings..
(ps this is not in order of preference just as they come back to my mind :)

1. My Mother. She has been the rock and foundation that kept our childhood, which was filled with earthquakes, stable. She is the hero that saved the day many times for many people. She has no Supersuit. She needs no thanks. Everything she does is for others not for the recognition. Her patience is bigger than I could ever know and something that I pray to be like her. Through all the trials of life, she was the constant. We watched her treated horrible at work, the devil trying to tear down her wall of faith. BUT in truth it only made her stronger! If I could only be a fraction of the person and christian she is. There were things in her life that threw curve balls at her and she just continued on as if nothing happened but still stronger than she was before with more faith than ever. She is my one and only hero and one of my greatest blessings!! She gave birth to me and has been there for me all 21 1/2 years I have been living!! :) I am soooo blessed to have her in my life and to call HER my mommy!! :) I thank God daily for this special blessing!

2. My Salvation. Through Christ I am made new. I might not be alive today if not for Him. He never left me even when I turned my back on Him, it just made Him work harder to get my attention. The problem is that the Devil then counter attacked. I was contemplating suicide thinking that there was nothing to live for. Through Christ I have new life and a reason to live! I have been set free!! It has been a battle. Life is hard but with God he helps give us the strength to endure it. We are not perfect but he continues to teach us lessons. His grace is so amazing. He helps us learn from our mistakes so that we don't make them again. I am so thankful for the blessing of life from Him. His grace. His forgiveness  I don't deserve it but there it was. I needed to humble myself and ask for His forgiveness and He washed me clean by the Blood His Son shed on the cross. The past is gone I have a new life. Clean. White as snow. It is hard to completely comprehend it sometimes but that doesn't change how true it still is. I am so in love with Him. He brought me peace to my mind and power to defeat the devil. This life is the biggest blessing I have. I am so excited to see what He has planned for the rest of it!!

3. My Sisters. These two are the reason I am not insane. (or the reason I am in denial and really am insane). I treated them so horrible growing up. Beating up both the younger and the older. But not all the time was it like that. I have a lot of great memories with them both. Rachael and my imagination. The elaborate things that we could think up. The forts we made. The beanie baby families that to this day we still remember. The barbies and always arguing who had to voice Ken and whose barbie got to marry him haha. We have a LOT of inside jokes that we can bust up laughing in a library (or at work) and I seriously think that everyone must think we are absolutely insane. We are when we are together. Then there is Danielle. I look up to more than she will ever know. She is a great mom! Her kids adore her. Her work ethic is so admirable working to provide for her family. She has drive in school that I wish I had. She is so driven in life. Not to mention she is tough and survived boot camp!! She is the sister who I always admired but never let her know how much. I love and care for her more than she will ever truly understand. I am so blessed to have them both in my life. We are all crazy and we all complete each other and keep each of us in check. We are so much closer now that we are older. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Plus Danielle gave me the most amazing niece and nephew anyone could ask for! They are amazing and I love them soo much! I am so lucky to be their auntie!

4. My Flesh and Blood Family. They are the only people in life who will ALWAYS love you, forgive you, and be there for you. (other than God of course). I have been blessed with a HUGE family! Like every other family we have our quirks. But in a time of need we are there for each other. I was blessed with a lot of protectors. Our family (my moms side at least) has a male majority. My mom supplies most of the females for the group. These boys like to act tough around us and in front of the other guys although deep down everyone knows that they would do anything for us Haywood females. They are all softees and would beat up anyone who hurt us. They truly do care for us. Also my dads side of the family. I am surrounded by many godly family members who inspire and encourage. The grandparents from both sides have only supported my mom through everything that happened and they really showed their love for us. My grandpa even took the father role and beat me a couple times. (not my favorite past time activity). Even though I was often the but of the jokes at family events (still am sometimes. usually the older cousins) I know that it is how they show love. I am thankful for all their teasing. It made me tough and well I have always been the clown so they helped bring me down some levels. I am thankful for the family members that I didn't have the privilege to get to really know but still love soo much. My father who I still love and care for and pray for daily. He is the reason for my love of music. My Half Brothers. They are still my flesh and blood and though we didn't get to talk for many years. I still have a relationship and a huge place in my heart for them. All of my family has blessed me in more ways than I can express. I am so thankful for all of them

5. My adopted family. There are those in my life who have become so much more than merely friends. I have many brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, etc. There are so many I cant name them all. They are all a huge blessing in my life. They put me in my place and help teach me lessons about myself that I can't always see. Grandpa Gary is one who just loves you no matter. You mess up and he still gives you a hug. You are on a down day and he says stuff like "one of the most beautiful girls in church just walked in". He is always full of encouragement. Rachel who has laughed and cried with me. Held me and scolded me. She is in everything but blood my sister. I love her so much. My second mom Heidi. My third mom Jeanne. Brother Jeremy. The list just keeps going. There is one thing that they all have in common. They are all driven by Christ. I think that He uses people to reach others and all these people He has put especially in my life for the purpose to help my walk with Him. I am truly blessed to have SOOOO many of these 'adopted' family members. I am blown away thinking about the impact that they have had on me and my walk. For instance I might not be saved if not for Jeremy. And I know all of them were praying for me when I wasn't living right. I felt it let me tell you. There was always the conviction tearing me apart knowing the truth. God didn't let me forget because they didn't forget. They fought the battle in prayer knowing talking to me would only shut me down and hurt our friendship (I am kinda stubborn and don't like to be told what to do. I am working on it haha).

6. My Church. My Pastor. All through school peers and sometimes teachers would tell me all these horrible things about my church. I had the PRIVILEGE to be raised in this amazing Christ driven church. Turning my back on it was the stupidest thing that I ever did. Yes they sheltered me but how is that a bad thing. I would call it protecting me more than 'sheltering'. I knew the truth of God my whole life and left it to experience this so called fun. Well the fun left me feeling empty and worthless. Through Christ I have life. The church is the house of God and I don't go there to be social or to impress boys. I go to serve God. To meet with God and to hear from God through the Pastor. My church is blessed to have as its pastor the made who has inspired and reached the world  for Jesus. Who was called to by God for a purpose bigger than we can even imagine. Who hears from God more and more and whose idea and stances has created a fellowship of people with the same views: to reach the world for Christ and lead them to Jesus. I am so blessed to have been BORN into this vision and to now be a part of it! I can't even fathom how many people that my pastor has reached but he doesn't do for anyone else bit for God! :)

In all this there are so many more blessings that I could say. But the truth is that these six are the basis for all the rest. The main one being my salvation through Christ. I have been set free from the bondage of sin. I am determined to continue life never allowing myself to forget who God is my seeing what he brought me from and the blessing He has bestowed upon me that I don't deserve. The next step is to figure out what He has planned for me. What is His will for me now? What does He want me to do to further His kingdom? I just have to wait and see what the journey brings. This is an adventure that I am so excited for!! :)

I have been set free.

I have life through Him.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Part 2 to a post from September 2011

You may be able to forgive everyone else, but what about yourself? PART 2 (PART 1 click HERE)

What is wrong with me? If I know that forgiveness is my problem you would think that it would come more easy after all the experience that I have. Nope. It is still one of the hardest things that I deal with. The hardest is forgiving myself.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result
That is exactly what I have been doing. Repeating past mistakes instead of learning from them. The struggle with forgiveness goes right along with that. The thing that I have to tell myself is that

1. If God can and did forgive me. Sent His ONLY Son to die for ME and I wasn't even born yet God knew that the Human Race needed Jesus. GOD  loved us so much that He did that for all of us. How can I DARE think that I am not worthy of forgiveness from myself or anyone when He did that for me showing me just how worthy I am.

2. In Christ I am a new creation. I am not the same Andrea I was before Christ came to live in my heart. I am a child of God. How can I slander myself when I know how deeply God loves and that He created me. I should be more ashamed of the fact I can't see myself past my mistakes when God wiped it all clean by the Blood of Jesus Christ. It like saying that His ultimate sacrifice wasn't enough. How dare I?!

God has forgiven me and now I need to move past this bump in the road and learn from it.

A quote from a song " Heal the wound but leave the scar, a reminder of how merciful You are"
This is the truth.

I have been set free. Not only from sin but from the devils hold on my insecurities. God made me the way I am for a reason. He has a purpose for me. I need to trust in Him and have faith and patience that He will show me when He knows I am ready. He knows me better than I know myself and He knows what my future holds.

Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean NOT on your own understanding - Proverbs 3:5

Trust. Hope. Faith

and know

I have been...


Friday, April 12, 2013

Getting through the winds of life..

I was walking outside on this beautiful spring day. I turned the corner of my house and there were the lilacs in full bloom. God's creations are so incredibly beautiful it is almost too much to fully take in. It was amazing to see that all the blossoms had survived the VERY harsh weather we have recently had to deal with. It got me thinking, what has this lilac had to endure??

We had three lilac bushes for as long as I can remember. My whole life quite possibly. They have been through late freezes, hot dry summers, crazy females who make drown it one day then forget to water it for a while and so much more. This is the one love survivor of the three. It survived the demolition of our old trailer and the placing of the new home. Through all the difficulties we have gone through in our family and life through the years this one plant was the constant. It never changed. Of course through the seasons it did but every spring there were the dependable blossoms. Colorful, vibrant and the hope that beauty comes again. Life is hard and there are the frozen months where we feel there is no beauty anymore, no more life. But then out of the cold brings the hopeful spring. In our lives we experience all the changing seasons sometimes it feels more like the cold winter but there is hope on the horizon. There will always be a spring!

We can get through the rough times in life, the cold, the winds that shake us of our feet. When it all goes away and is calmed there is the dependable spring. God telling us that there is beauty from pain and suffering  There are good things that come out of the hard times. Life might be hard but it is only going to get better. God makes sure of that. He is the dependable spring, the beautiful blooms. The hope that there is still life.

The winds rough us up but the realization is that when we stand we are so much stronger...

These thoughts made me think of pretty awesome song by Steven Curtis Chapman

"Beauty Will Rise - Steven Curtis Chapman  
It was the day the world went wrong
I screamed til my voice was goneAnd watched through the tears as everythingCame crashing down
Slowly panic turns to painAs we awake to what remainsAnd sift through the ashesThat are left behind
But buried deep beneathAll our broken dreams we have this hope
Out of these ashes beauty will rise And we will dance among the ruins We will see it with our own eyes Out of these ashes beauty will rise For we know joy is coming in the morning In the morning, beauty will rise
So take another breath for nowAnd let the tears come washing downAnd if you can't believe, I will believe for you
Cause I have seen the signs of springJust watch and see
Out of these ashes beauty will riseAnd we will dance among the ruinsWe will see it with our own eyesOut of these ashes beauty will rise
For we know joy is coming in the morningIn the morning
I can hear it in the distanceAnd it's not too far awayIt's the music and the laughterOf a wedding and a feastI can almost feel the hand of GodReaching for my face to wipe the tears awayYou say it's time to make everything new
Make it all new
This is our hopeThis is a promiseThis is our hopeThis is a promise
It will take our breath awayTo see the beauty that's been madeOut of the ashes, out of the ashes
It will take our breath awayTo see the beauty that He's madeOut of the ashes, out of the ashes
Out of these ashes
Beauty will riseAnd we will dance among the ruinsWe will see it with our own eyesOut of this darknessNew light will shineAnd we'll know the joy that's coming in the morningIn the morningBeauty will rise
Oh, beauty will riseOh, oh, oh, beauty will riseOh, oh, oh, beauty will riseOh, oh, oh, beauty will rise 

Do you feel you are stuck in the frozen tundra in life? Take hope with you.
 "In everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven" Ecc 3:1 

This season of hardship will end and spring a season of hope and happiness. God is in control he knows what he is doing..

Have faith. Trust God. Believe. Hope

Monday, April 1, 2013

The inspiration from a friend and song...

How do you get inspiration? what is it that inspires you?

Sometimes it takes reading something from someone random to get truly inspired. As of late I have been far too busy feeling sorry for myself than focusing on what God has done for me and when He still has planned. Thinking about how hard life has been the last year and confusing and unstable and so much more. In the words of this person though, there is not one worst day being saved that was worse than the best day as a sinner. I have come so far from where I was three years ago. I was suicidal and thought that there was no one in the world who would ever want me, a used piece of garbage that needed to be gotten rid of. Thank the Lord above that there is Divine Intervention. That there was one person who dragged me to a place I did NOT want to be. The place where God came down and in my sobbing tears I gave my life to Him asking for His forgiveness. The truth is that He saved me from myself and my self destruction. His grace and mercy is endless and through it I am still here today. The past is not to be forgotten it is something to remember but to learn from and not repeat. Another thing is that life is hard and humans aren't perfect. When we stumble He helps us back up. We have to get back up and keep moving forward! His forgiveness is endless. Now that is not saying you fall on purpose because you know he will help. That is not it at all. Its about not letting the guilt of stumbling bring you down further. He helped you up its time to keep going. That is something that I have constantly struggled with is that I have guilt and shame. But He took my shame and guilt when He died on that cross. He washed away all my sins, white as snow. I am listening to a song and God is speaking to me so much through it. 
"Love Came Down by Kari Jobe"

If my heart is overwhelmed
And I cannot hear Your voice
I hold on to what is true
Though I cannot see

If the storms of life they come
And the road ahead gets steep
I will lift these hands in faith
I will believe

I'll remind myself
Of all that You've done
And the life I have
Because of Your son

Love came down and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am Yours
Lord I'm forever Yours
Mountains high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours

When my heart is filled with hope
Every promise comes my way
When I feel Your hands of grace
Rest upon me

Staying desperate for You, God
Staying humble at Your feet
I will lift these hands in praise
I will believe

I'll remind myself
Of all that You've done
And the life I have
Because of Your son

Love came down and rescued me
Love came down and set me free
I am Yours
I am forever Yours
Mountains high or valley low
I sing out and remind my soul
I am Yours
I am forever Yours

Singing this out loud helps me remember why I am here today. Through song is how I am inspired and through some how God speaks to me. Music is a part of ever fiber of my being. I thank God that He has put that in me. I just wish I knew more so I could use it for His glory. It is definitely a work in progress. master the piano first!

If you are reading this know that God can and will save you from the place you are at. He loves you as He loves me. Also take that I am clearly insane and that I love every second of it. God has done some pretty amazing stuff in my life and He wants to do it in yours too! I pray that this can speak to someone even if i use this blog to help myself think I hope that it can help others too. It my way to sort through the massive amount of thoughts in my head. Have a great and wonderful day!!